44. intrepid

I am intrepid.

I am about to go on a trip with multiple road trips, plane rides, and hikes in store for me for the next week and a bit. Excluding the breaks from kung fu that everyone takes because of stat holidays or sick days, this will be the first time I'm taking a break from kung fu of my own volition since I started really taking my training seriously this year. Or wait, that's wrong, I'm taking a break from classes (there's kung fu everyday), but that's what I'm most worried about. Not only missing out the valuable lesson we get every class, but also the structure and routine I have now has not really had any major disruptions yet since I got it in place. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about falling behind on my numbers, losing some of my stamina I've worked so hard to build, embarrassed to try to do forms, or push-ups in awkward places, or worried that I'm going to just straight up forget to do things since I'm in a new environment and my brain doesn't have it's usual cues to serve as reminders. I'm scared of what's going to happen to my kung fu in this void of uncertainty. (Thinking back to my "kung fu is a living organism" analogy, how will my kung fu adapt to existing in a new habitat/environment? is my kung fu going to get sick? is it going to become malnourished?)

But I'm also trying to keep things in perspective. Even if every one of those things I'm worrying about comes true, I'm only gone for about a week, and one off week will not break the entire rest of the year, nor will it erase everything I've done up until now. I'm also trying to be excited by this new opportunity and challenge myself to use these unfamiliar circumstances to find out new things about my kung fu that might not come to the surface if I stay in this established routine, or familiar environment. 

Like I said in the first line of this blog, I am intrepid so it's inevitable that my routine will get thrown out the window at some point in the future. I'm not going to be in these exact circumstances for the rest of my life, so I might as well use this trip to start getting used to wrenches getting thrown in my plans. 



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