When Did My Screwdriver Turn Into a Hammer?
I have not written a blog in quite some time. Not counting the lion building post (which I really only posted as a blog for ease of access), or a numbers update blog, the last true blog I wrote was September 8th?! Over a month and a half ago and it simply slipped my mind. "I'm too busy this week" "I'll do it my next day off when I can really write a proper one" "it hasn't been that long and I've wrote plenty of extras this year right?" "I've got lots of ideas, so it's basically half written right?" So many excuses some old and familiar, some new, but none of them valid, because I forgot something foundational to the blogging requirement.
It is not only about writing deep meaningful and insightful entries cataloging the year. The blogging requirement is a powerful tool that teaches us about consistency in our effort, and accountability to our team. Somewhere along the way I had warped it in my mind and (as it was put in our last meeting) started using the screwdriver as a hammer, and started thinking "well what can I expect? They give me a hammer and wonder why all these screws still aren't screwed in properly?"
Instead of waiting for the right ratio of time, inspiration, and available effort, to put out a blog, I should be doing them every week no matter what. Even if it turns out being one of those "I am still here, I'm tired and not training as much as I would like, but I am still here." type of blogs.
It could be argued that most of the other requirements have less of a timeline, yes it is recommended to make small progress for each everyday, but it is technically possible to have an ebb and flow in terms of progression through the year, and still make it to your final numbers, but for blogging as it is outlined in our requirements "Maintain a public journal that is updated at least once a week." Regardless of if I put out 52 interesting and important blogs in the year, if I am not doing them on a weekly basis, I have not completed the true spirit of this requirement. (I want to be careful here making sure I am not twisting this in the opposite direction in my mind, so that it becomes purely about the numbers "as long as I write something, anything once a week, I can check it off," No. I still want to aim to write what I think are important blogs to my journey, but I also don't want to allow myself to skip a week because of things like the excuses I mentioned in the beginning of this blog)
When used properly my blogging should show me the importance of consistent action, even if I feel like it's not up to my standard, even if I don't feel like doing it, I will just. do. it. The blogs that come out as sub-standard, can be a call to action, for myself, and to the rest of the team that something needs to change, that some action needs to be taken before I start to slip even further. With the new requirement of adding your numbers tally to the end, this consistency and accountability become even more powerful, so from here on out I want to follow the true spirit of one of our best tools more closely.
Nicely said.