Extra Days and Extra Numbers
If you are reading this then it is at least Tuesday night, which means that I have broken my rule of posting at least one blog by Monday night. On the one hand I have broken my promise which means I allowed mediocrity to slip its way into my life. I should have looked at my plans for the week, realized that I would likely be out late with friends on Monday, meaning I should have written the blog sooner in the week to make up for that fact. On the other hand I know I can't always plan ahead for these sort of disruptions. The fact that I am writing this as soon as I possibly can, allowing myself a little wiggle room because we always say it's about looking for opportunities, not sticking to a rigid schedule; I hope I am not allowing mediocrity to dig its roots too deep into my original promise while still being realistic with myself.
Timeline aside to talk about my training for this week (and a day) I have been taking a hard look at my numbers. With the end of the year so quickly approaching I am really ramping up on my requirements. I know I definitely had some lulls during the year, but I am hoping to not let that stop me from getting as close as possible to my goals. I don't want to think there are only a handful of days left, I better just rest up and get a fresh start in the Year of the Dragon, or there's no way I'm going to make it so what's the point of even trying?
I have been trying to push myself and do as much as I can in the hopes of getting to that big 50 000 again, but I am also a bit worried I'm focusing too much on the deadline, or the abstract number and losing my way in terms of sustainability and the spirit of the requirements. My justification is that I want to see if I can make this pace sustainable, I want to push myself, and instill some of those good habits again, so that even if I do have to pull things back in the long run, I won't need to pull them back all the way to my old pace, and I can redefine what my limit is.
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