Backwards This Whole Time

The Year of the Dragon has had a bit of a shaky start for me so far. Things are moving along well enough and a lot of my routine is still intact from last year, but I was so focused on the wrap up of the Year of the Rabbit that I think I forgot to set things in place so that I could continue that success and momentum into this year. That said, some things are starting to come together, my new weapon finally came in today so now I can make some real progress on my beta form, and I started setting up my 1-on-1's in advance which means I can spend less time trying to schedule them, and more time thinking about what I want to discuss during them which is way more beneficial for my training. 

On the topic of 1-on-1's,

I had this weird shift in my training that happened somewhere in the middle of last year, I found I wasn't filling my journal as rapidly as I used to, I starting asking less questions in class, and I stopped asking questions about my kung fu (why I'm moving the way I am? where is my power coming from? ect) and I chalked it up to the fact that my new job meant less time and less energy to put towards my kung fu; less time spent training outside of class. But since having a few 1-on-1's already I can feel my brain returning to those patterns of seeking out questions, of connecting ideas, of writing things down, and I'm realizing I had it backwards this whole time! It wasn't that I didn't have questions because I wasn't training, it's that I had no questions so I wasn't training. Nothing motivates me to do kung fu more than when I have something to work on, or an idea to test out because I want to understand it, I want to make it mine. Having an outlet where I can ask those sorts of questions and have those sorts of discussions is creating an expectation that I'll generate questions, so I end up training, and thinking, and listening to my kung fu again so that I can actually ask those sorts of questions again. 

A few weeks ago we talked about accountability, and I think these regular 1-on-1's this will be a great tool to keep me accountable in the Year of the Dragon.

Current TotalShould Be At
Hand Form1369
Weapon Form469
Other Forms724
Repair Relationship01
Me and White Supremacy02
12 Applications01
Kung Fu Art01


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