A Quick Blog

 I have been meaning to write a blog for a while now. I had so many ideas and insights I wanted to capture and then I just kept pushing it, because I was trying to prioritize sleep, or it was too hot, or I got too busy. Even with the new blogging requirement of minimum posting numbers weekly, something that should take only minutes to do I still let 3 weeks go by with nothing posted, and now those blog topics are hazy at best and gone at worst. 

So here is a blog, it is little and not very positive, but while writing this I have realized that I need to further work on streamlining my blogging/posting process. With the update of adding our numbers to the end of blogs I was working on making my requirement tracking more automatic, but now I think the next step is finding a way to write blogs not using my laptop will help me speed things up. For some reason the thought of 

1) getting up 

2) opening my laptop 

3) logging in and 

4) opening blogger 

is too many steps to "just post numbers quickly" but if I can come up with a way to do it off my laptop that will eliminate the first 3 steps and I can actually do it in 2 seconds. I train to make my kung fu efficient, and since blogging is part of my kung fu it needs to be efficient too. 

Current TotalShould Be At
Hand Form190511
Weapon Form210511
Other Forms170179
Repair Relationship36
Me and White Supremacy613
12 Applications26
Kung Fu Art06


  1. I do all of my blogging from my phone. That way I’m not restricted to where I am :)


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