Missing Blogs
Since I started my new job I have found it really difficult to set aside time to blog. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about, in fact I have too many blogs that I want to write, cataloging progressions and insights in my training, recounting events of the Tiger challenge, and of the events that I have had to miss like the parade, details of my progress on repairing a relationship, talking about how kung fu threads through different aspects of what I do at my job, exploring ideas brought up in team meetings, discussing progress in my weapon form. My brain is too full of all the things I need to remember I want to write about so it's harder and harder to start thinking of new ideas to explore because it feels like I don't have the mental space as these same ideas spin around and around in my brain, instead of getting them out and into writing. The problem hasn't been that I'm not thinking about these things, I realize I'm thinking in the pattern o...